What sets a CHEK Professional apart from all other health or fitness professionals is that we always look at the WHOLE picture when working with our clients.

Holistic Lifestyle Coaching (HLC) is a system that has been practised and perfected over three decades by Paul Chek. At the heart of HLC is the ‘CHEK 4 Doctors’ system, a process of extensive evaluation and structured coaching which facilitate improvements in all areas of a client’s health and wellbeing.

Holistic Lifestyle Coaches work with clients to address any factors that are negatively affecting health and wellbeing such as:

•   Stress and anxiety reduction
•   Structure and planning
•   Sleep improvements
•   Maintaining a healthy natural weight
•   Primal Pattern™ diet testing, food planning and coaching
•   Hormonal regulation
•   4 Doctors assessments
•   Digestive issues